Chinese Textbook Purchases with Group Discount
自2010年来,北美华文教育服务中心为各学校提供团体最优惠的购书服务!学校的教学团体购买,我们接受 PO,根据大家的需求来安排发送教材。除了提供学校团体采购、邮寄以外,我们还可以把教材直接邮寄给老师和学生。学校团体购书超过$400,可以享受免费邮寄 服务。
- 普通教科书:《阳阳中文》、《IBDP 出发》、《新双双中文》、《标准中文》、《美洲华语》、《中文听说读写》、《iChinese爱汉语》、《成长》等。
- AP-中文的备考教科书:《阳阳AP中文套装》、《攀登》、《收获》、《AP中文仿真试题集》、《Strive for a 5: AP Chinese Practice Tests》、《YCT模拟试题集》、《HSK真题集》等。
- CSL(中文为第二语言)中文班使用的中英文双语教材:《幼小衔接快读识字歌谣》、《轻松学汉语-少儿版》、《轻松学中文-少儿版》、《轻松学中文》、《快乐汉语》、《跟我学汉语》等。
- 教学参考书与工具书:田字格练习本、《中文百宝箱》、《新华字典》、《新英汉汉英词典》、《中文教学手册》、《轻松教中文》、《国际汉语教师教学手册系列》等。
邮箱:[email protected]
Chinese Education Services has been dedicated to all schools/institutes with Chinese language learning programs by providing textbook purchases with group discounts since 2010. Free shipping is granted to orders with $400 or more. We accept the school Purchase Orders (PO) while submitting the W9 form as requested. Individual special shipping requests can be arranged upon request. The order delivery is around 10-15 days after the order confirmation is received.
Yan S Liu
[email protected], 919-599-3389
Wechat: ysliuus
HSK/YCT/BCT Test Center
如果贵校有意组织参加HSK/YCT考试,请发电子邮件到[email protected] 或致电443-253-5830与我们联系,讨论在贵校设立HSK/YCT分考点的事宜。
查看2024年考试日期,请登录中文考试服务网 www.chinesetest.cn
Chinese Education Services (CES) is an official Chinese testing center authorized by Hanban to administrate HSK, YCT, and BCT tests in the United States. The CES collaborates with primary and secondary schools that have Chinese language programs, as well as Chinese language schools nationwide, to conduct YCT/HSK exams in schools. The in-school exam not only gives great convenience to the students and their families but also provides the opportunity for the schools to integrate HSK/YCT into the curriculum of their Chinese language programs.
If your school is interested in participating in HSK/YCT tests, please get in touch with us at 443-253-5830 or [email protected], to discuss the opportunity to become a sub-center for HSK/YCT tests. Here is the link to check the latest Test Dates www.chinesetest.cn